Thursday, May 1

The Garden Projects Begin!

I had posted previously about moving landscaping blocks from the front yard to the back for a new herb bed. My husband moved the blocks just before a rain shower, with a little bit of "help" from our grandson.

Jace was convinced that grandpa was making him a new seating area:) He was also fascinated with grandpa's truck.  His Aunt Emily observed "He's such a boy!".

Now that the herb bed is in place we need to work up the soil, remove the sod and add more soil, then I'll transfer some plants and buy others. It's a start!

My husband also took an hour or so out to make a holder for our hoses, which tend to lay tangled on the ground most of the garden season.  We have two faucets and a lot of property, so we have four hoses.  He used a scrap 4x4 (We have a lot of them leftover from things we took apart after moving out here.) and cut up another piece of scrap wood, then screwed it all together.  I will probably paint it at some point when he finishes building a small box that will set on top of the post to hold nozzles and sprinklers.

You can see our old post hole digger behind the post.  This is one tool we couldn't do without, and it was given to us years ago.  Remember, it's okay to be a moocher, especially when it comes to garden tools:)


Rose Are Tough, and So Are We

I believe in process. I believe in four seasons. I believe that winter's tough, but spring's coming. I believe that there...